Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

treatment options

Treatment options

A range of health professionals and services are available to help with depression and anxiety. There are also many things you can do yourself to recover and stay well.

Depression and anxiety conditions are unlikely to simply go away on their own. If ignored and left untreated, depression and anxiety can go on for months, sometimes years, making it hard to cope with day-to-day life.

Different treatments work for different people, and it can take time, strength and patience to find a treatment that’s right for you. If you’re not seeing much improvement or experience problems with the treatment, talk it through with your health professional and consider trying another option.

Treatment For Depression

Learn about different variety of treatments for depression.

Treatment For Anxiety

Find out ways to manage and treat anxiety conditions.

Source of Support

As well as professional treatment options there are also other ways to help yourself manage depression and anxiety.

Get a better sense of the kinds of services and treatments different professionals offer.

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